about us

serving cape may county since 2016

Welcome to Cedar Mill Lane! Here’s a little about us and our journey! Some of you may know this, but Cedar Mill Lane LLC was not our first name. Back when the journey began, the name “Vintagesque” felt fitting & we rolled with it for a while. This all started as a hobby and Vintagesque was just a cute little moniker for a compilation of all my personal projects. Little did I know that over the next year the name would be on the side of vehicles, business cards, t-shirts… you get it. Eventually, Vintagesque expanded rapidly into the little, local entity it is today and it was determined that an LLC was soon in order. I didn’t want to be stuck with the name “Vintagesque”, legally. I discovered it was difficult to pronounce and I felt that we had just entirely outgrown it so before we became legal a rebrand was definitely in order.

In February of 2019, with the help of Sarah Cowan over at Wren and Harry Creative, Cedar Mill Lane was (re)born. In the last 3 years, HUNDREDS of items have passed through the doors of my shop. My little milk crate that had a few cans of paint, a drill and a beat up orbital sander became a work shop in our attached one-car garage. During the summer of 2019, that little workshop became a far more capable, 480 square foot shop full of materials, supplies and tools that I didn’t even know existed in 2016 – never mind knew how to use them!

Since we were kids, we’ve been told to do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Sounded like a great concept but its far easier said than done. I never imagined one day doing THIS to make a living but with a lot of love, sweat and tears, that’s exactly what we’re doing. Cedar Mill Lane is still very small, very local & calling it a “household name” would be a reach but hopefully, one day, all of that will change. Until then I’ll be here, doing my thing, covered in paint and saw dust and diesel fumes & I wouldn’t have it any. other. way.

why cedar mill lane?

Whenever a client informs me that they’ve referred me to someone, they’re usually asked something along the lines of “what’s it like working with her?” or “what is she like?” and I usually get a kick out of the responses. Some of my favorite popular responses are:

“She is NOT what you expect in a decorator.”

“She’s the manager, decorator, and construction crew.”

“If you want a frilly, up-tight, finger-pointer she is NOT who you’re looking for.”


I take pride in not only being able to present a vision or solution- but being able to execute it as well. I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty & to apply some working-knowledge to any task. While I’m happy to discuss color theory and feng shui all day, I’m just as at-home with a drill in my hand… or a router… or a planer… you get it.


Whenever a client informs me that they’ve referred me to someone, they’re usually asked something along the lines of “what’s it like working with her?” or “what is she like?” and I usually get a kick out of the responses. Some of my favorite popular responses are:

“She is NOT what you expect in a decorator.”

“She’s the manager, decorator, and construction crew.”

“If you want a frilly, up-tight, finger-pointer she is NOT who you’re looking for.”


I take pride in not only being able to present a vision or solution- but being able to execute it as well. I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty & to apply some working-knowledge to any task. While I’m happy to discuss color theory and feng shui all day, I’m just as at-home with a drill in my hand… or a router… or a planer… you get it.










offering refinishing, restoration and custom furniture services in and around cape may county since 2016.

about katie

Hi! My name is Katie Rementer. I am the owner and operator of Cedar Mill Lane! Since you’re here, I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself! I grew up in West Chester, Pennsylvania. I met my husband, a Cape May County native when I was 14. After graduating high school in 2010, I attended Kutztown University as an Art Education Major – luckily, that didn’t pan out for me. I have worn many hats, in many different fields, but nothing ever felt quite right. Anywhere I found myself, it felt like a “just-for-now” job, but I assumed that’s how everyone felt about careers. Just a means to the next phase of life. I assumed the ‘suffering’ that came along with a 9-to-5 was just par the course – a right of passage, if you will. I’ve since been proved wrong and I’m so glad I was.


 I always had a love for decorating, furniture & making a space my own. During my first year of college, I remember staring at the furniture making studio that was located near my drawing class & longing to walk through those doors. But, making a living that way seemed pretty unrealistic at the time & I never made my way into that class. It felt like a pretty distant fantasy. Again, I’m happy to report that I was wrong.


 In July of 2015, when I was pregnant with our first child, my husband and I bought our first home. We were 23 & 25 and, after making settlement, pretty tight for cash. We had a pretty specific vision in mind for our first home, but no realistic way to achieve it, financially. So, what does one do? You DIY the heck out of it! Being that I was already 7 months along when we were finally handed the keys, we had a lot of work to do and very little time. My husband, his father and I managed to practically gut the house and start over fresh. We pulled it off in 2.5 months and not only did we succeed, we realized how much we loved doing it. We were officially living in the house for four days before I went into labor. Talk about cutting it close! The majority of our furniture was left behind from the previous owner, donated to us or (my all time favorite) trash picked. I got to work, in all my inexperienced fervor, and the house slowly became our own. I realized how much I enjoyed refinishing furniture and what began as a necessity became a hobby which, eventually, turned business.  Today, my husband Justin and I have 2 little ones – Jax & Ren. My business has not only grown with me, but has been a major contributor to my personal growth as a partner, as a mother and as a woman. I have learned SO many lessons over the few years since this started – mostly good and sometimes Cedar Mill Lane seems to have taken on a little life all its own. My business has brought some of the most amazing humans I’ve ever known in my life and I am beyond grateful for the amount of love and support our community has shown us these last few years. I look forward to continuing to serve my friends and neighbors in our quiet little corner of Southern New Jersey- but most of all, I’m looking forward to meeting you.

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(610) 864-4971

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